Martin Lowenburg:
Martin was only 15 when the evil Nazi’s gathered up Martin and his
family and put them in a box car. The box car went to Auschwitz. Martin
and his fellow Jews would use the dead Jews in the box cars as
The Jews would poop on the dead Jews. When the train arrived at Auschwitz, 1/3 of the people had suffocated.

The Nazi’s gave priority to the trains full of Jews. Trains full of
food going to the troops would have to wait, because the Nazi’s priority
was to kill all the Jews.

Dr. Mengele (Dr. Evil on right) greeted the transports. Mengele had a whip and a white coat.
Martin was only 15, but he told Mengele that he was 18. This spared
his life, because the Nazi’s gassed all the Jews who couldn’t work.
Martin had to work by moving rocks from one place to the other, then
back again.

The Jews got only 200 calories a day for food. In the morning,
they had no breakfast for breakfast –only tea. For lunch, 4 people had
to eat a single bowl of soup. The Jews got a slice of bread for dinner.
If you didn’t eat your bread right away, the rats would steal it from you.

The camp commander had a motorcycle that he would drive down the main
street. He would shoot at anything that moved from his motorcycle. If
he saw you, he would use you for target practice.

There was typhus at Auschwitz. A friend, the magician told Martin not
to drink the water. the friend put a pebble in Martin’s mouth to make
So Martin didn’t have to drink any water for 3 years,
but was never thirsty. Martin would clean himself by rolling in the

Martin saw his own mother and sister go into the gas chamber. The
Nazi’s had crews of Jews who would work in the gas chambers. Every 90
days, the Nazi’s shot the Jews who worked in the gas chamber, because
they didn’t want anyone alive to testify about what the Nazi’s were

At Auschwitz, there was a team of Jews that had wheelbarrows. Every
morning the Jews would walk around the fence with their wheelbarrows,
and pick up the dead Jews who had died on the electric fence.

Evil Dr. Mengele would perform experiments on the Jews.
He castrated the big Jews. He injected animal semen into some other Jews.

One day a wheelbarrow ran over Martin, and he couldn’t work. So his friend, the magician, hid Martin in the rafters.
The magician would have been killed in the first transport, but the Nazi’s needed a magician.

Then Martin and the magician volunteered for a transport that said
“Destination Unknown.” The Nazi’s killed all the Jews at Auschwitz, so
Martin is lucky the Nazi’s let him and the magician volunteer for this
transport. The transport went to the Warsaw ghetto. Martin worked on
the dynamite team. The Nazi’s made the Jews dynamite the buildings.

Then Martin built an underground factory. The Jews would pile rocks up
100 feet high and very long. The Nazi’s poured 4-5 feet of concrete
over this mountain of rocks, and
then took a firehouse and blew
out the rocks underneath. So the Nazi’s then had an underground tunnel
that they built the V2 rockets in.

The Germans made Martin salvage electrical transformers from the ruins of Warsaw.
and his friends saw diamonds, gold and money lying in the ruins. But
they didn’t take any, because you couldn’t eat diamonds.

One Jew traded another Jew, a greenhorn, the diamonds for his bread for
3 days. The Jew who took the diamonds died of starvation. After 3

The Holocaust™ was the biggest money maker ever for the Germans. The
Nazi’s had whole teams of people working in the gas chamber to take the
gold from the dead Jews. If you had gold fillings, you were gassed
immediately. Then the Nazi’s sold all the shoes and clothing from the
dead Jews to South America.
The Nazi’s financed the war for 2 years by selling the Jew’s gold fillings, and shoes, and clothing.

Then the Nazi’s were going to kill all the Jews in Warsaw, but the
resistance leader warned the Germans not to. So the Germans death
marched the Jews instead. They made the Jews death march all week. Then
the Jews wanted to drink at the river. So the Nazi’s machine gunned
them. They used dogs to get the Jews back into line for the machine
The river turned into blood, all red.

Then the Nazi’s put the Jews on a train to Dachau. Then they told the
Jews they were going to march to Switzerland, but the Nazi’s fooled
them, and death marched them again. Martin was certain to die on this
death march, but the Americans came. Then an American soldier gave
Martin a cigarette. Martin took 1 puff and fainted for a week.

Then Martin and his friends robbed the nearby German houses
and killed the SS men.

I Saw the Angel of Death - Alex's Story

I saw the Angel of Death, I
spoke with the Angel of Death. . . and I survived. It happened in 1942, in the
Ghetto of Rohatyn, in Poland. For Jews in the Ghetto, the SS men with their
black uniforms, with their black skulls, were the Angels of Death. Once they saw
you, you were finished, you were gone.

I was on the night watch, when I
noticed a suspicious movement at the border of the ghetto. I went to
investigate, and found myself staring into the eyes of the Angel of Death. I was
caught in the net. Trying to extricate myself, I started to talk to the SS man
about German planes. He liked the subject, and before long we were discussing
the two best German fighter planes, the Messerschmidt and the

After a few minutes, I told the SS man that I had to go. Without
waiting for his permission, I turned around and walked away. I simply walked
away. I walked slowly to corner of the street, waiting to hear the shot, waiting
to feel the sting. It never came. When I turned the corner, I ran as fast as I
could. I wanted to warn my family, to warn my neighbors. Minutes later, the
first shots were fired, and the killing started.